Friday, 1. August 2008

Neuwerk Kellerbar

Time again for the Neuwerk Sommerfest 08.
In the dungeons of the Neuwerk in Konstanz, me and my
beloved friends from Krautfass did an awesome gig.
Playing the electronics between pulsating wastebags (constant in/decreasing airflow) and wasted people :-) was a pleasure.

more to come....


biloba does music from his heart. passionated in electronic music since his early youth, biloba frees his mind by tinkering, dialing, experimenting with music related soft- and hardware. sometimes deep and melancholic sometimes jackin' and freakin'. but always crackling and nonstandard.......

On this blog you'll find tracks, videos, software (free), dj mixes, thoughts.........

enjoy !

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Recent Updates

Neuwerk Kellerbar
Time again for the Neuwerk Sommerfest 08. In the dungeons...
biloba - 1. Aug, 10:34
Modulade - Elevation...
first goodie ! a soothing and meditative mix from...
biloba - 16. Jul, 22:43
Reaktor 5 ensembles
This is for you (given that you're a Reaktor user): The...
biloba - 7. Jul, 16:55
Biloba - Humpty Dumpty
my first steps in videoclip triggering on the Machinedrum. Ch....
biloba - 2. Jul, 12:12
Playing with Krautfass...
I recently visited good friends as they would play...
biloba - 1. Jul, 19:20


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