Friday, 20. June 2008

Biloba - Humpty Dumpty

my first steps in videoclip triggering on the Machinedrum.
Ch. 1-8 sounds and Ch. 9-16 videoclips via Arkaos. It's far away from beeing real good and was made in 2 hours as i had fun to try it.... Just un/muting the sounds and the vids. no song mode.

Video sources are ancient Tom&Jerry cartoons.


biloba does music from his heart. passionated in electronic music since his early youth, biloba frees his mind by tinkering, dialing, experimenting with music related soft- and hardware. sometimes deep and melancholic sometimes jackin' and freakin'. but always crackling and nonstandard.......

On this blog you'll find tracks, videos, software (free), dj mixes, thoughts.........

enjoy !

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