Thursday, 19. June 2008

Reaktor 5 ensembles

This is for you (given that you're a Reaktor user):
The next 3 weeks i will give away Reaktor 5 ensembles which i built and heavily use on my tracks.


simply put, a one osc synth with own sequencer for amp and pitch plus a LFO driven filter.

The clue for me is that you're capable of drifting sequences due to the two independend sequencers and the global clock which is also independend from the DAW's clock. Also the unlabeled pitch fader limits you to just "hear" your sequences instead of lurking to the tones and semitones. Sleeparchive galore my friends !


Get it here ----->

have fun and experiment !


Modulade - Elevation Center Mix

first goodie !

a soothing and meditative mix from me as modulade.
expect exciting electronica from the likes of Mapstation,
Kammerflimmer Kollektief, Alva Noto, Dictaphone.......



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biloba is on-line

Hey world !
biloba is here to bring you bits and pieces of music, software, news, art, thoughts.......

all selfmade by creative and never resting braincells firing up in bilobas brain. well, besides the news.......:-)

the next time there will be evergrowing content.




biloba does music from his heart. passionated in electronic music since his early youth, biloba frees his mind by tinkering, dialing, experimenting with music related soft- and hardware. sometimes deep and melancholic sometimes jackin' and freakin'. but always crackling and nonstandard.......

On this blog you'll find tracks, videos, software (free), dj mixes, thoughts.........

enjoy !

For contact :



Recent Updates

Neuwerk Kellerbar
Time again for the Neuwerk Sommerfest 08. In the dungeons...
biloba - 1. Aug, 10:34
Modulade - Elevation...
first goodie ! a soothing and meditative mix from...
biloba - 16. Jul, 22:43
Reaktor 5 ensembles
This is for you (given that you're a Reaktor user): The...
biloba - 7. Jul, 16:55
Biloba - Humpty Dumpty
my first steps in videoclip triggering on the Machinedrum. Ch....
biloba - 2. Jul, 12:12
Playing with Krautfass...
I recently visited good friends as they would play...
biloba - 1. Jul, 19:20


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